
We at Zombie Prep believe that learning how to strategize and how to be structured will be your greatest asset. Although the equipment that you use and the manuals you have with you will help, but a good strategy is something you can always carry with you with no weight.

These strategies will change during the timeline of the outbreak so we will post these strategies in three separate categories. The first will be for Pre-Outbreak which are life lessons you will want to start implementing now. The second will be helpful for surviving and identifying the initial outbreak to get you in a position to start your new life. And the final category will be for living in, as well as taking back, a zombie infested world.


Post-Apocalyptic Prometheus

Once a base has been established and the need to live on the run has died down every member of your party will need to regain their humanity. The immediate needs are the basic needs of survival (food, water, shelter, and habitat) however once those are met there will be a call for some base level comforts. One of the most fundamental of these comforts is electricity. Depending on length of time since society has collapsed you will have several options. As a general rule at zomprep 'the apocalypse does not make experts' so if you have little electrical work in your past try and find a technician, engineer or anyone who did tinkering before the chaos in your group to do any work or repairs. Now lets cover some pros and cons.


The Grid

As chaos reigns around may of the wooden poles will get knocked down or stations will go off line. And so this option becomes more and more unlikely as time goes on, but if possible it is an ideal situation. The benifits being that the amount you can draw is almost limitless and it takes no technical knowledge to use. Luckily there are some tips to finding a stronghold with reliable power from the walls.


The key to using this unlimited source of light and heat is scoping out a headquarters before the bedlam begins using a knowledge of the local system. The first concern is source of the power. If a local system is fed by coal or gas then the station will be off almost immediately. Solar and wind generation will continue running, but only available at certain times of day. If you have a nuclear plant in the area that can provide a constant power for around 500 days. Hydro will provide an ongoing supply throughout the day, but will dry up depending on season, however if you are near some of the larger reserves (i.e. Niagra Fall, Hoover Dam) or an area that has a large rain supply such as the pacific northwest then your supply may be unlimited.

Unforunately this only describes the source of the power, in addition to the generation this power needs to be delivered and the grid is an extremely complex system. If the supply is too high compared to the demand or a line makes contact with something it shouldn't the grid will protect itself by shutting pieces down. A majority of these protective actions, that aren't due to source problems, will be due to wooden poles being destroyed creating a contact between wires and the ground. The key to finding a line that will be live is being near a substation (the fenced off areas with giant electrical equipment in it) with metal poles bringing in a strong source of power and your headquarters fed almost directly out of that. Although its rare, these scenarios exist when a large industrial customers needs a direct feed from a reliable transmission line. These conditions don't capture the plethora of smaller issues that stop power from flowing to your new base, but will hopefully give you an idea of the minimum needs. If you find yourself lucky enough to find this scenario use it for everything you can such as checking radio transmissions, charging batteries, boiling water for showers as well sterilizing drinking water because it will not be available forever. Once its gone you will need to move onto one of the other power sources in this article.


On Site Generation


 Those industrial customers I mentioned previously will also likely have some on-site backup. Quite often they will be large diesel generators and a variable level of fuel stored locally as well. The upsides of these generators are that they provide a large amount of power and are completely independent from the outside world, at least untill you need to scavange for more fuel. The downside for these will be the need for quite a bit of expertise as you will need someone well versed in both the mechanical needs as well as electrical. There is also the very large problem of noise as these generate quite a bit of it, which might as well be a dinner bell for all the ghouls in the area. The use of such devices will need to be scheduled to maximize fuel usage and minimize time of noise production. 

If there is no industrial size generator there may be a smaller personal size generator available. These have many benifits such as being a bit more portable, less noise, less technical experience needed and have use a standard gasoline as fuel so you can siphon out fuel from most cars. The drawbacks to these are that they are less efficient and there will very likely be a minimal fuel reserve on hand. Also there will be no exhaust system for these built in, so they will need to be used in a ventilated area. Although the portability may tempt people into dragging these around or trying to bring one back to base, I would only suggest trying to acquite one from an offsite location once the supply raids get to a more advanced level.

Finally there is the option of a human powered generator. They are simple in concept unfortunately they create very little energy and take a good amount of mechanical ability to put together(here is some faq about bike generators The benefits are numerous however, as they are quiet, no fuel storage needed, no exhaust concerns and it provides some ability for physical excercice to keepy everyone in shape for raids and the possibility of evacuating the facility in case of a breach.


Better than a membership to Ballys


Batteries and Storage

Regardless of which of these methods for the delivery of power you may have available, the key will be to use them efficiently. To do this storage of energy will be needed, unfortunately storage of electrical energy does not come easy. If the place you have comandeered for a base has batteries on site with a charger consider youself lucky, otherwise you will need to create a battery system. This can be done by taking the batteries out of any automobiles left around and wiring them together to achieve the needed voltage.

If batteries are not an option then you can store the energy in several other ways. For instance if you happen to be in a cold area and want warmth for the night, then while solar is working use it to heat clay bricks and keep them imsulated untill night time, or if you have an ive machine or heat pump you can create ice to keep food from spoiling while as long as possible. Feel free to get creative with pump storage or compressed gas storage to spin a tubine at a later time. The take away information is that when electricity is being generated either use it or lost it. 


The Great Outdoors



Now I know that listing camping doesn't seem like a difficult exercise regimen and probably conjurs up ideas of lazy Saturday afternoons and cooking smores over an open fire. Fortunately this family friendly activity is crucial to survival


                     Pictured: Survivalist                                                                            

However if you think about what is in store for you in a post-apocalyptic the reasoning becomes clear. For millennia humans have adapted their environment to be more comfortable, however when society crumbles it will take most of these adaptations with it, and its time once again to rough it with nature. If you currently spend most of your time in a shack in the forest disconnected form the grid then you may already be prepared for this step, however if you are a more standard suburbanite then you may want to take a couple steps to get ready.

I. Cabin Family Fun: This is the starting point for those whose ideas of roughing it is being out of range of pizza delivery. Start off with weekend trips to state parks with cabins bring plenty of supplies, easily cooked foods, giant coolers of water and (age permitting) alcoholic beverages and don't forget the smores. Weight restrictions will not be an issue as you will be sleeping near your car, however this step will provide an distinction of what is actually needed, what is wanted and what you end up tracking in and out without using. This knowledge will be helpful as you move onto more difficult levels of camping.

II. Tent Town: Similar to cabin camping there will still be no restriction on weight. The main difference will be that now it is time to start building some basic skills. This will include making a fire, pitching a tent and keeping that tent comfortable and dry. A majority of people are familiar with this level of camping and if this includes you then your starting point would be to make mental notes on what you need to do to elevate to the following level next time you go camping.

III. Off the Beaten Path: Now it is time to leave the extras behind. Backpacking out to camping site is a great way to build the endurance needed for long hikes as well as learn that everything you bring needs to be worth the weight of bringing it out. These will include several house of hiking out to a camping site and staying out there without running water or quick access to main roads.

IV. Man Vs. Wild: Here is the final level of training. It will consist of planning and participating in multi day backpacking trips and should consist of a lengthy hike each day, setting up camp and planning meals that will provide the caloric value as well as being light enough to carry and there will be the added difficulty of planning a trip with ample sources of water as well as bringing a means of purifying it. The final test will be going on a three day backpacking trip using only the pack that you have always packed (mentioned in the pack section). If you can do this you have proven that you have the skills of being on the run during the early days of the zompocalypse.